There is a psychological principle out there that says, think about something and you move towards it. It's the theory of positive thinking.
However, many of us, do not think positively. We do our thinking in the negative; don't forget to bring your laptop back to work tomorrow! Because our minds work on pictures, immeditately after hearing yourself say, "don't forget" you get a mental picture of sitting at work tomorrow, cursing because you did indeed forget the laptop!
Try using positive mental imagines and words. Here are some examples:
Instead of "don't forget your laptop", think "remember your laptop"
When the children are screaming, instead of scolding them and saying, "don't scream!", use the phrase "Please be quiet".
As you are attempting that plate of spaghetti, think to yourself, "eat carefully!" instead of "don't let me splatter sauce on my shirt!".
This kind of positive reinforcement, does wonders for self-esteem and creates postive thought patterns.
So this week, when you find yourself using negative words, or phrases, stop, think, and see if you can turn it positive!
However, many of us, do not think positively. We do our thinking in the negative; don't forget to bring your laptop back to work tomorrow! Because our minds work on pictures, immeditately after hearing yourself say, "don't forget" you get a mental picture of sitting at work tomorrow, cursing because you did indeed forget the laptop!
Try using positive mental imagines and words. Here are some examples:
Instead of "don't forget your laptop", think "remember your laptop"
When the children are screaming, instead of scolding them and saying, "don't scream!", use the phrase "Please be quiet".
As you are attempting that plate of spaghetti, think to yourself, "eat carefully!" instead of "don't let me splatter sauce on my shirt!".
This kind of positive reinforcement, does wonders for self-esteem and creates postive thought patterns.
So this week, when you find yourself using negative words, or phrases, stop, think, and see if you can turn it positive!