YOU GUYS! I'm kind of a nut for getting organized, I love notebooks and journals, and I love starting a new project with fresh pages. I am SO excited to share with you this daily journal/calendar that I created for this particular journey! I will share more in a bit, but first, let me tell you about what I have planned for this blog... for now anyway.
I mentioned in my previous post that I wasn't sure how I would make this blog work as I prefer to write things by hand, and I think I've figured it out. I want this blog to be a journal of where I am going with my faith, but also a useful study guide for you, to see how God wants you to be healthy!
There will be occasional entries like this one. Perhaps just a bit of excitement, my own breakthrough, or something fun that happened to me along this journey. But, in general, this is what I am thinking.
Each post will be like a "workout" for your faith. I will post a warm-up question. Something related to the Bible passage, but something fairly personal about your life. Take the time to answer it. Then I will post the bible verse that we are studying, along with some questions to get you thinking. Then finally, a cool-down question, for you and I to tie this all to a healthy life. This will be my interpretation of the passage, as a matter of fact, I often find that the passage I'm studying doesn't really relate to good health, but still they help me grow in Faith. If I can find a way to post these, I will do that as well. The Bible is meant to be "God's journal" of Jesus' life, so-to-speak, we are to study His word, not mine. I'm just sharing my views to help you grow in your faith... to make your faith more fit... if you will. :)
Ok, so now, back to this journal. It's actually a monthly/weekly planner that I got at Target! It has the typical monthly calendar, but also contains space for individual daily content. I've been reading a lot about Bible studies lately, and my favorite form of study is journaling, particularly journaling your favorite passage or verse each day. I plan to use the daily section of my planner to write each verse, while the regularly monthly view will be a record of what I've read, posted, and have planned for my year of "Grow"ing. For now, I've just added the word "Grow" to the front cover, as I feel like the "weeds" that are on the front cover kinda fit my theme. But I will fill the inside with inspirational clippings, sayings, and ideas. Things that make me happy!
I encourage you to go out and find your own journal! Maybe it's a fitness journal that will also be a place for you to record your faith journey. Maybe you start your own blog. Whatever works for you! Feel free to contact me if you have questions!
I mentioned in my previous post that I wasn't sure how I would make this blog work as I prefer to write things by hand, and I think I've figured it out. I want this blog to be a journal of where I am going with my faith, but also a useful study guide for you, to see how God wants you to be healthy!
There will be occasional entries like this one. Perhaps just a bit of excitement, my own breakthrough, or something fun that happened to me along this journey. But, in general, this is what I am thinking.
Each post will be like a "workout" for your faith. I will post a warm-up question. Something related to the Bible passage, but something fairly personal about your life. Take the time to answer it. Then I will post the bible verse that we are studying, along with some questions to get you thinking. Then finally, a cool-down question, for you and I to tie this all to a healthy life. This will be my interpretation of the passage, as a matter of fact, I often find that the passage I'm studying doesn't really relate to good health, but still they help me grow in Faith. If I can find a way to post these, I will do that as well. The Bible is meant to be "God's journal" of Jesus' life, so-to-speak, we are to study His word, not mine. I'm just sharing my views to help you grow in your faith... to make your faith more fit... if you will. :)
Ok, so now, back to this journal. It's actually a monthly/weekly planner that I got at Target! It has the typical monthly calendar, but also contains space for individual daily content. I've been reading a lot about Bible studies lately, and my favorite form of study is journaling, particularly journaling your favorite passage or verse each day. I plan to use the daily section of my planner to write each verse, while the regularly monthly view will be a record of what I've read, posted, and have planned for my year of "Grow"ing. For now, I've just added the word "Grow" to the front cover, as I feel like the "weeds" that are on the front cover kinda fit my theme. But I will fill the inside with inspirational clippings, sayings, and ideas. Things that make me happy!
I encourage you to go out and find your own journal! Maybe it's a fitness journal that will also be a place for you to record your faith journey. Maybe you start your own blog. Whatever works for you! Feel free to contact me if you have questions!